Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ha! I got first post! Oh wait ... There were only a several thousand before me ...

(While I highly doubt anybody will read this blog, I will start off with formalities anyways ...)

      Anyways, my name is Jasmine. Some people call me Jazz, Jazzy, Twinkle Toes, or Jackass for short. Or you could be a normal human being and call me by MY ACTUAL FREAKING NAME. No matter, I will respond to any of these. 
       Welp, I've never had an actual blog before (I don't count Tumblr), but I'm assuming this is the part where I say a couple of things about myself? Well I'm in my last year of high school, and I've been there long enough to know for a fact that the four years of high school are NOT the best four years of your life. Some beautiful popular kid with tons of great friends, great grades, and an amazing at home life probably said that. In other words, somebody who is FAR from being me. I guess you can say I'm an athletic person. Other than the countless hours I spend in front of my computer watching Netflix or on Tumblr, the rest of those hours are spent as an inline speed skater. I would explain it, but I will save it for a different post on a different day. And when I'm not at a practice, I'm off skating for fun at my local roller rink. (Sounds so 70's&80's right? You would be surprised ...) I can unfortunately say I reside in the Midwest. Yay for bipolar weather! I have two incredibly obnoxious brothers who are both younger than me (EVEN BETTER RIGHT?! Nope.) I also currently have a pretty fantastic boyfriend whom I share the passion of skating with. Finally, as if I wasn't crazy enough already, I also happen to be one of those eccentric fangirls. I watch so many TV shows it should be illegal. However, my top three are Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. (Fandom trifecta!) I ship all the ships! But those will also be saved for another post. (As well as my disgust for shipping wars) I watch a lot of other things too, but once again, that's off topic for general information, don't you think? 
       I enjoyed sharing myself to the total 0 of you reading this. However if you are actually reading this, I hope you can stick through the constant bitching and whining of a teenage girl who has hardly anything to do BUT bitch and whine about her life. 

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